On 14 July 2015, China
Nuclear Industry 23 International Corporation Limited changed its company name
to China Nuclear Energy Technology Corporation Limited (the “Company” or “CNE
TECH CORP”). The Company is committed to its business philosophy “integrity,
professionalism, astuteness, pioneering, innovation, respect”, in search of
excellence to create better value for the shareholders.
On 14 July 2015, China
Nuclear Industry 23 International Corporation Limited changed its company name
to China Nuclear Energy Technology Corporation Limited (the “Company” or “CNE
TECH CORP”). The Company is committed to its business philosophy “integrity,
professionalism, astuteness, pioneering, innovation, respect”, in search of
excellence to create better value for the shareholders.
The Company aims to
establish a financial services business with focus on the financing and leasing
sector of nuclear power, clean energy, energy conservation and environmental
protection industries, to realize industry and financial synergies. It will
continue to generate more revenue from the projects in the areas such as
photovoltaics, solar power generation, biomass energy, to become a leading
contractor in the field of new energy generation, at the same time achieve
operational integration of photovoltaic power plant investment and EPC
operations to maximize investment returns.
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On 10 May
2022, the Company completed a share subscription with its strategic investor and
Yahgee International (Hong Kong) Co., Limited (雅致國際(香港)有限公司) becomes
the largest shareholder of the Company. Yahgee International (Hong Kong) Co.,
Limited (雅致國際(香港)有限公司) is
principally engaged in investment holding and is a direct wholly-owned
subsidiary of 深圳市新南山控股(集團)股份有限公司 (transliterated
as Shenzhen New Nanshan Holdings Group Co. Ltd*) (“Nanshan Holdings”), a
company incorporated in the PRC with limited liability and is listed in the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 002314) and headquartered in Shekou,
Holdings is principally engaged in the businesses of, among others, modern
warehousing and logistics services, property development and integrated
development of industrial cities. Nanshan Holdings is held as to approximately 68.43%
by its largest shareholder 中國南山開發(集團)股份有限公司 (transliterated as China
Nanshan Development Group Co. Limited*) (“China Nanshan
Group”), a
company incorporated in the PRC with limited liability, which is principally
engaged in the provision of modern integrated logistics services, integrated
development of industrial cities, the provision of financial services and asset
management services. The largest shareholder of China Nanshan Group is 招商局(南山)控股有限公司
(transliterated as China Merchants
(Nanshan) Holdings Co., Ltd.*) (“China Merchants (Nanshan)”), holding approximately 36.52% of China Nanshan
Group. The parent company of China Merchants (Nanshan) is China Merchants Port
Holdings Company Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited
liability and listed on the Stock Exchange (stock code: 144), which is
ultimately controlled by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of the State Council of the PRC.
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China He Investment (Hong
Kong) Company Limited (‘‘China He Investment HK’’) is the second largest
shareholder of the Company. China He Investment HK is a wholly-owned subsidiary
of ZOC Investment Co., Ltd. (“ZOC Investment”). ZOC Investment is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of 中國核工業建設集團公司(transliterated as China
Nuclear Engineering Group Co.*) (“CNEGC”) and an investment platform for new
fields and new businesses. CNEGC is a key state-owned enterprise under the
direct management of the PRC State Council.
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